
e·pis"te·mol'o·gy (ï pï stë mó logee) n. : the study of the qualities, basic constitution, and limits of knowledge; the study of the validity of study

sci'ence (sí ë nss) n. : a set of rules and methods for the pursuit of knowledge; objective epistemology

phi·los'o·phy () n. : the science of reality, existence, causality, truth, and the nature of Mankind

i"de·ol'o·gy () n. : the philosophy of social and political doctrine, governing the association of men

per'·cept () n. : a mental impression of something perceived by the senses, viewed as the basic component in the formation of concepts; a sense datum

con'·cept () n. : a mental formation representing the essence of an item or process; a template for the creation of data blocks which represent a specific item or process, in the mind's memory.

     An infant opens its eyes to the world.  It senses a swirl of colors, and its mind begins the task of defining and ordering the random mess of sensual inputs.  Instinctually it concentrates its attention on the sound, smell, and feel of female existence nearby.  The sensual inputs, especially sights, are eventually placed in similar categories within the mind.  These similar categories are a special form of concept called a percept.  All future conceptualization, by the young mind, will be based upon these beginning concepts.  The similar categories are known to most as characteristics of objects.  Eventually the young mind subsumes that colors and shapes are characteristics of a larger concept.  The concept of an object.
     The human mind works much the same as a computer.  In our short history with computers, there have been many different techniques to program them.  Each technique, or language, has its strengths and weaknesses.  Each is suited specifically for one of the various tasks to which the computer has been used.  Evolution of the programming languages has led to one type of programming which has proven itself most efficacious to the development and design of all computer programs; regardless the task.  It is the type of programming that mirrors the way in which the human mind is programmed to store data.  It is called "Object Oriented Programming" (OOP).  To understand the mind's ability to conceptualize, we should first become familiar with the basic principles of Object Oriented Programming.
     In computer programming, as in the mind, data must be stored and manipulated.  Each programming language has forms of storage or memory allocation.  Differing types of numbers take differing amounts of memory for storage and manipulation.  In the mind, dependent on the conceptual context, memory blocks of differing sizes are allocated to hold the various types of data.  This is also done in Object Oriented Programming.  The strength and adaptability of Object Oriented Programming comes from its grouping of related data items into large and complex memory structures called "Classes".  In the early days of development, they were called "Structures", but as they evolved to contain other structures and functions they became known as Classes.  A Class and a concept are alike.  Though a concept, or a Class, takes an amount of memory; it must only be stored once.  In other words, the definitions, relations, and standard of measure used to describe an item must only be stored once in the brain or computer.  This Class, or concept, is used repeatedly to define items of similar design.  This allows an incredible amount of data to be stored without definition, except for the Class definition already in memory.  A computer is programmed with use of Classes, and a mind is programmed with use of concepts.  The two have identical properties and characteristics.  Let us use the concept of a table as an example.  Below is the way a simple Class, a "table" Class, would be defined in "C++", which is an Object Oriented Programming language.  All items must be defined as a data type.  The data type specification "unsigned" designates an integer that will only have a value  that is positive or zero.  A "Byte" data type is the same, with the exception that it will be a value from 0 to 255.  Notice it contains data items that are defined by two other classes, a "Color" Class and a simple 2 dimensional shape Class (their definitions follow the Table Class definition).

[ NOTE: Since the original writing of this page, "Classes" are now referred to directly as "OBJECTS" ]

class Table

     Color color;
     SimShapeX2 top;
     unsigned top_thickness;
     unsigned number_of_legs;
     unsigned height;

class Color
     Byte blue;
     Byte green;
     Byte red;

class SimpleShapeX2
     unsigned length1;
     unsigned length2;

     Tables all have common characteristics.  They vary in shape and size.  Once the values for color, shape, number of legs, top thickness, and height are supplied, we will have a fairly good idea of the table's description.  Our shape class has two dimensions that are perfect for holding length and width measurements of a rectangle, or foci information for an ellipse.  Not all tables will have regular surface shapes, and our table class would be better served by a more complete shape class that could hold the necessary values.  This simple shape class will do for this example.  For those of you interested in the color class, the human eye is sensitive to only three colors (Red, Green, and Blue).  Our minds create other colors from the mixture of stimulation intensity given by the cone receptors on the retina of the eyeball.  The values of the color class are Bytes and range from 0 to 255 because they are stored in 8 bit binary data blocks.  This requires a total of 24 bits for the three colors.  When your computer uses this type of color class, it is called "24 bit color".  This defines all colors by their amounts of red, green, and blue.  Each color value can range from 0 to 255 (in hexadecimal that would be 00 to FF ... White = FFFFFF ... Red = FF0000 ... Green = 00FF00 ... Blue = 0000FF ... Black = 000000).
     It is important to understand the difference between a Class and an Instance of a Class.  A Class defines the nature and order of the information to be stored.  When a Class is utilized, an Instance must be created.  The values for each defined characteristic are supplied in the creation and the result is committed to a block of memory containing a list of only data values.   This is the important concept.  The list of values is stored without definition, but identified as an Instance of the Class Table.  A Class is the structure of definitions which apply to the list of values.  The list of values is an Instance of the defining Class.  Plato failed to recognized that the perfect forms he imagined were a creation of his mind; used in its operation.  Imagine a table, do not recall the memory of a table but imagine one that you have never perceived.  Picture it in your mind.  Is it floating in the black void of space?  What color is it?  Is it a coffee table?  Have you also imagined a room that contains the table?  What color are the walls of the room?  These questions will allow you to see your own mental process of creation.  Your mind has created an Instance of a Table object.  When you create an Instance of an object, your mind supplies default values to the data members of the Class.  The result is the table that you have imagined.  You have constructed an Instance of the Class Table; a Table Instance.  In the previous example definition of the Class Table, there were two items that were left unexplained.  The Constructor, "Table();" and the Destructor, "~Table();".  The Constructor creates the Instance by allocating the memory, identifying it as a Table Class and filling it with chosen default values.  This function allows the programmer to define the default values.  The Destructor destroys the Instance, by freeing the allocated memory to other uses.  It does not destroy the Class Table, but just frees the memory block used by the Instance; which is simply a list of values.  The Constructor and Destructor do not construct or destroy the Class, they construct or destroy Instances of the Class.  Your mind used a constructor to create the table in your mind.  Why did it use those particular values?  This is the essence of your mind and that which many consider to be your soul.  It is your mind; it is you.  What are your mind's default values that are intrinsic to the creation of your thought?  What are your natural tendencies?
     The Table Class is an example of a special form of the Class Furniture; which in turn is a special form of the Class Object.  All objects stem from the "Base Class" Object.  They exist and most are perceptual in nature.  A concept is a general form that allows the mind to group objects or actions into similar groups and facilitates the ordering of sensory input and thought.  The table you remember from home, is the most basic form of concept called a percept.  It exists in reality and is perceived by your senses.  Conceptualization allows imagination.  The table you imagine, exists only in your mind; your consciousness.  Conceptualization allows abstraction of concepts beyond the bounds of percepts.
     Why use Classes or concepts?  What is their purpose?  If one were to try and remember a the dinning room table, each shape and color would have to be memorized not only as a value, but each value would have an enormous amount of memory used in the definition.  So many values used to simply define the character and place of one value.  Over 90% of these values are the same for every table ... furniture.  When memorizing the dinning room table, the mind which creates a Class, uses the nearly same amount of memory as a mind that does not.  The difference being that the definition data is formed into a concept and the value data is held in memory as an Instance of the concept.  The value data are simple numbers generated by use of a Standard, by which a characteristic is measured.  The percept, or Class Table, takes as much memory as the individual definition tags used by the mind which holds each item's definition and identification with the value data (with the exception of a few repetitive items).  The advantage occurs when the mind later memorizes the coffee table.  The mind, that has not conceptualized a Class Table object, must now create the huge number of definitions and associations pertaining to each piece of value data, and allocate a huge amount of memory to store it.  The mind, that has conceptualized a table, checks the definition data against the percept data in memory.  The definition tags match the concept of table.  The voluminous definition tags are dropped, and the data is defined as a table concept, with the values listed in proper order to fit the concept. This mind then simply stores the data as a list of values  defined as a Table concept or Class, and does not need to repeat memory allocation for the definition of each data item and association.  This list of values is an Instance of a Table Class object.  Each Instance of a Table Class object is a concise list of values, which takes little memory and can be used to compare other items of the Table Class.  The mind, which does not create the concept, may only vaguely be aware that the dining room table and the coffee table are similar.  The mind that does not create the percepts needed to identify the relation of objects around it, will soon fill its memory with unrelated and repetitive definitions.  Reallocating memory to store the newest data; the older data in the mind will be destroyed in a disorganized manner.  The relation of objects may not be recognized, and the affects of time are vague and limited to a small period centered about the present.  If you are human, then your internal mind, often referred to as the subconscious, is busy creating percepts from your sensual input, and as a human, you are aware of time.  If you are a cat, your mind is not developing much beyond basic and primitive percepts.  A cat's mind has a limited awareness of time.  That is why cats seldom delay their instinctual action for future rewards.  As the early homonids enriched their diet, their bodies could support larger brains.  As the ability to conceptualize became more and more efficient, the amount of data stored per area of brain increased.  Larger brain with more capacity, and conceptualization increasing the efficiency of the storage.  The hominid's brain grew in performance exponentially beyond anything that had existed before.  Imagination and intelligence were born with the first being to recognize and conceptualize TIME.
     The nature of the mind and of thought consist of the continual comparison of concepts in the creation of larger concepts.  The smaller concepts are subsumed into larger more efficient concepts that have been relationally integrated.  This is IMAGINATION at work creating and correlating the larger and larger objects.  Imagination uses sleep time to codify the short term memory into long term memory and Concepts ... dreams.  Imagination as stated many times, can also create instances of objects that do not exist in reality, and distract the mind from reality ... the blur.  The efficiency of a concept implicitly depends upon values.  In the discussion above, notice the number of times the word value was used.  Our mind and our memory is all based upon a network of values.  The mind creates standards by which to measure or judge all percepts.  These "Standards of Value" are intrinsic to the mind.  The conscious mind is given the task of creating these standards and measuring actions or objects in relation to them.  The resulting value is used and ordered by the subconscious as it builds its concept of reality.  Each value submitted by the conscious mind is a judgment of value.  It is the nature and task of the conscious mind to continually evaluate and judge the values in everything it perceives.  If an individual assumes the responsibility of being human, he then must judge value.  The most ignored or confused Standard of Value, is that by which human behavior is judged.  Since human behavior is not automated, but created with purpose, it is the only creation of intelligence and the only value that can be considered on the scale of "Good and Evil".  Good and Evil are the antipodes of this Standard.  The standard is determined by an individual's ideology.  Ideology is determined by an individual's philosophy and recognized by its metaphysical base and epistemological method.  Science is the epistemological methodology of rational men.  Not the pseudo-science of the irrational, that fills the media today, but the limited endeavors of a controlled and disciplined mind.
     When I use the word "table", I do it without effort and without thought.  Once the subconscious mind has created the appropriate associations and developed a percept or concept, it must be identified by a name.  Our conscious mind then assigns a word to identify the concept.  When the conscious mind perceives or imagines an object or an action, the defining information is compared to the concepts held within the subconscious.  Once a relation is found, the word identifying the concept is evoked in the conscious.  When a word is used in communication, the spoken word evokes an instance of the concept in the mind of the person hearing the word. As a noun is defined by adjectives.  The default values of your mind are replaced with the values held within the adjectives.  When action concepts, known as verbs, are used, the default values are replaced by the use of adverbs.  Words are more than a tool of communication between two humans, words are used to internalize concepts.  Once the concept is created and identified by a word, it is internalized and the associated concept may be used without conscious thought.  Internalized concepts can remain in memory throughout our lives if they are accessed regularly, or subsumed into our core concept of reality.  The larger and more integrated one's concept of reality, the longer lasting and stable is one's memory.  Internalized concepts allow persons to use extremely complicated thought processes without review of the full logical association used during the creation of those processes.  Words define concepts.  The manner and content of a person's speech gives great insight into the workings and content of that person's mind.  Irrational individuals keep their mind in a "blur".  Their concepts are simple and not well defined.  Their vocabulary is small and they use "sound bites" to imply not meaning but feeling; "like, ya know what I mean?".  Concepts are used in the association of items or ideas.  This association changes with time.  These changes lead to the concept of causality and the awareness of time.  The human mind's purpose is to use causal relationships to predict the future; devising a plan of behavior suited to its survival.  Behavior is the ultimate judgment.
     The subconscious is the working mind.  It tirelessly works to order data by reusing percepts and concepts.  The subconscious tries to order data into Instances.  When there is no concept to fit the data, it creates one.  The new concept is then evaluated against the existing conceptual structure.  When our mind becomes aware of relations between concepts, the mind creates larger concepts and subsumes the related concepts into them.  For instance, a child soon becomes aware that a "table" is a special form of the newly created larger concept "furniture".  This is the nature of imagination and human conceptualization.  Creativity is the creation of concepts.  The larger concepts hold the smaller ones.  The mind becomes extremely ordered by holding vast data definitions in larger and larger concepts.  The large concepts allow the mind to store vast amounts of data about similar items, using little memory for definition, freeing huge blocks of memory to simply hold a list of values as Instances of the concepts.  The imagination of the human mind is continually creating concepts in an attempt to order its contents.  It attempts to create a single large concept that mirrors reality.  Integration is vital.  New concepts must relate to previous concepts and percepts.  When new data can be integrated or linked to previous concepts; it is quickly assimilated as truth.  When new data conflicts with previous concepts, then a suitable concept must be integrated to link the data without conflict, or the previous concepts must be examined and adjusted to fit.  A mind that does not integrate new data into the existing conceptual structure, is a mind filled with confusion.  This is the mind filled with fear, loathing, and disdain for reality.  This is the irrational mind; it's data is disjointed and held with huge volumes of unrelated definition.  This is the mind that sees less and less of the future, and becomes incapable of behavior in accordance with survival.  The uniquely human instinct within us, stemming from a failure of the subconscious to efficiently order data, evokes an emotion, just as touching fire evokes pain.  Pain elicits a response that removes contact with the fire.  Our human reaction to a disordered and disjointed reality is a type of fear, helplessness, anxiety, or self-loathing.  This emotion is felt deep within us and this agony builds cumulatively with time.  It is often identified as guilt.  Humans experiencing this systemic turmoil must use their volition, to focus their mind upon reality.  They must become focused and honest.  As humans, we recognize ourselves by our conscious mind, and the behavior associated with its operation.  When a human's conscious mind is volitionally focused, engaged in survival and understanding reality, the data delivery matches the need of the subconscious mind's quest and the human experiences a deep inner sense of joy, known as pride, self-esteem, or most often as happiness.  One cannot buy happiness, it must be earned through the focus of ones mind.  Have you ever witnessed the awe and wide-eyed joy of a young child that has just learned a new concept?  It is the joy of a mind that feels efficacious to survival in an ordered reality.  It is the building of self-esteem.  Children are not born with self-esteem, their minds must earn it.

Conceptual Evaluation

Those concepts that are based on other than the integrated context of ones mind, or are unable to be defined by other than exclusive identity.

Those concepts that agree with the current integrated context of one's mind.

Those concepts that agree with the current integrated context of one's mind, and represent the most elegant, concise, and likely explanation.

Those fully integrated concepts that are part of the current integrated context of one's mind, and in agreement with all other fully integrated concepts and percepts.  Most every percept is a "certain" concept.

"Fully integrated" concepts are linked to the perceptual base of reason, and have no links which have yet to be integrated.  Concepts that have been subsumed into the concept of reality, and form the foundation of the mental context.  For instance, one plus one equals two; regardless the future concepts of mathematics that may be subsumed, this concept does not change.  It is fundamental and at the base of mathematical conceptualization.  It may be found to be a special case of a larger concept, but the concept remains as originally formed.